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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Potential Toyota Highlander Customer
My household has been a Nissan holder for years. I drive Nissan Altima, and my dad drives Nissan Maxima, we also had a Sentra for few years in the family. We are completely satisfied with the performance, reliability and quality of the Nissan cars. Over the years, these cars have served us well.
Lately, I am in a market for a mini-SUV, probably Honda CR-V or Toyota RAV4 type of 4-cylinder gas thrifty vehicle. While researching Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4, I came across the specs of Toyota Highlander. I thought Highlander probably cost in the upper 20’s, so I considered it out of my range and ignored it from my vehicular research sessions on the internet. But after finding out that the 4-cylinder 2WD version of the Toyota Highlander is available at around $22k, I am trying to picture a Highland SUV in my driveway. The only hesitation I have right now about the move to Highlander is the performance of the 4-cylinder engine in a 3,500 pound SUV.
So, if you are reading this and are a 4-cylinder Highlander owner, please give me your little review of the SUV by leaving a comment below. I am not a type of driver who tries to race everybody on the highways; I am only trying to make sure that horsepower is adequate enough for normal driving situations. Would you recommend your 4-cylinder Toyota Highlander to anyone?
Lately, I am in a market for a mini-SUV, probably Honda CR-V or Toyota RAV4 type of 4-cylinder gas thrifty vehicle. While researching Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4, I came across the specs of Toyota Highlander. I thought Highlander probably cost in the upper 20’s, so I considered it out of my range and ignored it from my vehicular research sessions on the internet. But after finding out that the 4-cylinder 2WD version of the Toyota Highlander is available at around $22k, I am trying to picture a Highland SUV in my driveway. The only hesitation I have right now about the move to Highlander is the performance of the 4-cylinder engine in a 3,500 pound SUV.
So, if you are reading this and are a 4-cylinder Highlander owner, please give me your little review of the SUV by leaving a comment below. I am not a type of driver who tries to race everybody on the highways; I am only trying to make sure that horsepower is adequate enough for normal driving situations. Would you recommend your 4-cylinder Toyota Highlander to anyone?
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