I have been thinking about this for a long time now. Is there any relationship between the political believes of a person and the car that person buys?
We all know from various nationwide polls that the republicans are a religious, church going crowd by a wide margin when we compare them to the democrats. I am not aware of any polls out there where the choice of a car (domestic or foreign) is compared with the political affiliation. My guess is that if someone would conduct such a poll then the results would indicate that the domestic manufacturers have more republican customers than democrats. The opposite would be true for the foreign car manufacturers; they would have more democratic customers than republicans. Whenever I drive by rural areas, which tend to be more red than blue, I see more Fords, and Chevrolets than Hondas and Toyotas.
This is an intriguing idea for a poll question. At least the car manufacturers should conduct such a poll. The results would help them to better target their customers with advertisements. What do you think? Do agree with the proposition?
poor republicans drive american cars rich republicans drive german cars