Monday, September 05, 2005

Reliance India Call Experience

I have been using Reliance India Call for almost a year now. I used the free 15-minute call offered by Reliance in August of 2004 and immediately signed up for for the service in September. As long as I know, all of my family member uses this service to call their relatives in India. My extended family members have abandoned the use of traditional phone cards for the Reliance India Call.

Reliance offers two kinds of service: prepaid and pay-later service. If you use the first option you have to pay first and as you use the minutes, dollars are subtracted from your account based on the usage. The second service charges you every month based on the time you used to call India. I believe there is a monthly charge for using the pay-later service.

As far as call quality goes, I think this service is the best service you can get for spending 12.9 cents per minute. I have used other cards before, but I never had a better call quality.

What are your experiences with Reliance India Call? Leave a comment below and let me and everyone else know. Do you use any other service or calling card? Which card do you use? Do you make VOIP calls to India? How are the charges for VOIP calls compare to Reliance India Call?


  1. I have been using RelianceIndia prepaid card since January 2005. Everything was going great, the call quality was near perfect. Since Nov/Dec 2005 I am noticing a deterioration in call quality. The voice breaks up and sometimes the call just gets disconnected. Have contacted Reliance a few times, but didn't receive any response. I think this is just a case of - when you get lots of cusomers and are making profit, don't bother about quality. I am thinking of switching to some other provider.

  2. Reliance india call.............
    Website of reliance is showing lot of offers just to atract customers. But once the customers recharge the account, they show offers have been changed in last night. These people are always big chiters. Look at airtel and pingo. I appriciate the commitments of airtel and pingo.

    Becareful while recharging your reliance calling card account..........

  3. if you ask me ,reliance calling card is the best one around.have been using it for one year now and i get good voice quality,fast connections,and virtually zero call drops.i learnt that they slashed their effective calling rates this festive season to about 5.9 cents/min and are also giving away 120 mins free talktime to all their customers.Makes sense to go for it.

  4. Hey guys, did you check out Reliance iCall ,the latest VoIP service from Reliance Globalcom? All I had to do was to register on their website and then I started calling friends living as far apart as US and Africa. To my surprise, the voice quality was amazing and we guys had a virtual blast. I heard that this service is available free upto the 15th of Jan so I better start hooking up fast with long lost friends!

  5. Reliance GlobalCall is offering calling rates as low as 3.50 cents/min and 2300 mins free talktime while calling India from the US as part of their Holi and Eid festive package. How cool is that!!!
